(575) 524-1243 contact@aysbugs.com

Our Customer Friendly Service

At Your Service, Inc. Pest Solutions is currently providing pest control services to Doña Ana County.

Call Us: (575) 524-1243
We are at your Service!


We can usually schedule service the same day you call, so give us a call at (575) 524-1243 today to set up your appointment.

• We don’t have service contracts so you can have us treat your home just one time for about $50.00.
• While we’re there we’ll also inspect for any problem areas you might have.
• So, for about fifty bucks we will treat for bugs inside and outside and guarantee it for thirty days.

Manufactured and Mobile Home

• We don’t have service contracts so you can have us treat your house just one time for about $50.00.
• While we’re there we’ll also inspect for any problem areas you might have.
• So, for about fifty bucks we will treat for bugs inside and outside and guarantee it for thirty days.

Storage & Barns

• We don’t have service contracts so you can have us treat your location just one time for about $50.00.
• While we’re there we’ll also inspect for any problem areas you might have.
• So, for about fifty bucks we will treat for bugs inside and outside and guarantee it for thirty days.

Custom Service

In unique environments and in unusual circumstances one’s pest problems may require customized service. If this is the case, we will evaluate the situation and design an appropriate course of action to remedy the problem.

Our customers are our most valued asset and we do everything we can to make their lives easier. We design service programs to manage their pest issues with little, if any inconveniences, and our guarantee is as good as any in the industry.


Our Commercial Signature Service is a proven, cost effective, and customer friendly group of programs that shape the basis of our tailored prevention.

For each of these commercial settings we begin by designing a program that eliminates any current pest problems with the appropriate EPA registered products for each industry, we then continue with a preventative maintenance program. The maintenance program consists of regular exterior treatments stopping the bugs before they can get inside.

Even though we are only treating the exterior, we will remedy any problems inside with an appointment and no additional charges. In other words, we treat on the exterior and guarantee the interior.

Apartment complexes

At Your Service is presently servicing over 2100 apartment units and many single family units on a regular schedule. Over thirteen years ago we developed a multiple-family apartment complex program that has been copied all over the country. Since 1998 we have been providing unrivaled service to multiple family complexes with great customer satisfaction.


For each of these setting we begin by designing a program that eliminates any current pest problems with the appropriate EPA registered products for your industry, we then continue with a preventative maintenance program. The maintenance program consists of regular exterior treatments stopping the bugs before they can get inside.

Even though we are only treating the exterior, we will remedy any problems inside with an appointment and no additional charges. In other words, we treat on the exterior and guarantee the interior.

Lodging Services

At Your Service is well equipped and experienced in providing pest management services for the lodging industry. Depending on the overall integrity of the structure, and the amenities you offer, a service program can be developed to provide an effective pest management plan at a reasonable fee.

Industrial & Structural

At Your Service, Inc. Pest Solutions is currently providing pest control services to processing, fabrication
and warehouse storage facilities in Dona Ana County.

Warehouse, Processing & Fabrication

Our technicians are trained and licensed in structural pest control.

With a thorough inspection, we can asses and recommend a comprehensive pest control program that will not disrupt your business.

Areas of Consideration:

  • Location and pest pressure
  • Multiple entry points
  • Product and supply shipments
  • Sanitation program
  • Service documentation for safety requirements
Structural Pest control

If your operation is located in about 4000 square feet or less, we can quote you a price and typically schedule service the same day, or at least the next day. For locations over 4000 square feet we like to come out and give you a quote of what your service fee will be, we can in most cases come out the same day you call. As always, since we don’t require service contracts you can have us treat just one time, usually with a thirty-day guarantee.

Other Services

We offer the DeadAnt Program only to our regular customers and administer it two times each year. Since the EPA registered product used can only be applied twice per year, we coordinate our treatments with the weather and the presence of ants to get the most out of each treatment. We treat once in the springtime and once in the fall. For less than $30.00 per application we can begin to dramatically reduce the population of ants around your property.

The control of ants has been a major challenge since we opened our doors in 1990. We’ve always worked hard at their control, sometimes losing a battle or two, but never losing the war. In 2008, a product was introduced that offered promise in meeting that challenge, so we field tested it in some or our most problematic ant areas for two years.

Our tests resulted in unexpectedly positive outcomes. We, as well as the test site customers, were extremely pleased with the considerable reduction in the ant population. These test results gave us the confidence to begin offering our DeadAnt Program in 2010, as an add-on service for our regular customers. 

It’s nature’s plan for honey bees to swarm several times each year to expand their population and to relocate in areas that need these creatures to work their magic as exceptional pollinators. While swarming, all honey bees, European and Africanized search for a new location to establish a hive. During this search, the swarm may layover to rest on the branch of a tree, a shrub, under the eaves of houses, or in or on many other places. While swarming these colonies remains quite docile and unless provoked do not present much of a threat. Eventually, the swarm will find a place to build their hive consisting of wax honeycomb, at this time they become very aggressive in defending their home. Ideally, this home will be in the wild, but in many cases, they are in locations that encroach upon us and our family’s lives. Many common locations are: inside walls of buildings, in dog and playhouses, in water meter and sprinkler system ground-level boxes, or just about any hollow space with a small opening to use as an entrance.

Without scientific measurements it is impossible to determine the difference between the European and Africanized honey bees, however, in the field, the extreme aggressiveness of the Africanized bees is legendary. If you or your family find yourselves sharing the proximity of a honey bee hive it is best to contact a pest management professional to advise you or to remedy the problem.

At Your Service was first to find Africanized Bees in Dona Ana County in 1993. They were found in the wall of a ranch house located about twenty-five miles southwest of Las Cruces. Today, the New Mexico State University Cooperative Extension Service estimates over 80% of the swarms in our area are Africanized bees.

Throughout our history At Your Service has treated hundreds of honey bee colonies and in 2010 we removed or exterminated thirty-eight swarms or hives located in various locations in the Las Cruces area. Of those thirty- eight we estimate about 65% were Africanized bees, with the other 35% being the traditional European honey bees. With swarms, we try to find beekeepers to take the colonies, but with the high percentage of Africanized bees in our area most beekeepers don’t care to participate in this program. If the colonies have built a hive in a wall or another inaccessible area the hive will usually have to be destroyed. Give us a call to discuss your bee issues and we will work with you to arrive at the most logical outcome.

Our Office Hours:
8am to 5pm – Monday Through Friday

If you are a current customer, please look through our website to make sure you are getting the most from our service options.

Ready for our services?

Call Us: (575) 524-1243

We are at your service!

Paying your bill


You can always send us a check or money order.
If you do, we really appreciate having your account number or the invoice number on the check or money order.

At Your Service, Inc Pest Solutions
P.O. Box 235
Las Cruces, NM 88004

Pay online:

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